1. Outpatient clinics These operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week and on average we see approximately 350 patients per week with many varied medical and surgical presentations
2. Hospital ward facilities . 50 beds
For children’s, medical , surgical and orthopaedic inpatient care
3. Maternal and Child health services
Antenatal Clinics . Normal birthing .Caesarian Sections, Care of the newborn
4. An orthopaedic and trauma centre
4, Childhood vaccination clinics
5. A comprehensive pharmacy
6. Medical imaging . Xray and Ultrasound
7. Counselling services
8. Diagnostic Laboratory services
9. Blood bank
10. Two operating theatres. One major and One minor
With on call doctors and anaesthetic personelle as well as theatre nurses
Performing general and orthopaedic surgery as well as obstetrics and gynaecology
11. Administrative and Human resource services
12. Cleaning services and groundsmen and security
12 Hospital canteen
13. Yotkom Agricultural and sustainability project
14. Dental Services